igus Blog - News from the igus® divisions - Page 150

The solution to a shrinking circular economy: a simple, reliable recycling platform

igu-blog-adm | 2. November 2023

The global circular economy is shrinking. It is high time to act. One solution would be to recycle technical plastics, but that has so far been quite cumbersome. We will show you how plastic recycling is finally becoming easy.


The chainflex® service oasis

igu-blog-adm | 17. October 2023

In today’s increasingly globalised world, service is often a nuisance for everyone. You have a problem with a household appliance, perhaps an oven, and you have specifically chosen a German brand. Luckily, the instructions also include a flyer with service numbers for each country. But when you enter the number into your phone, you always […]


How did the TRX come about and is it THE robotics innovation?

Marius Glaue | 7. September 2023

One day after the trade show It happened near the beginning of the Hannover Messe, not all that long ago. They say that sometimes the best ideas come from a mix of nonsense and a little alcohol. Something like that must have been in play when the idea for the TRX emerged. Two exhausted, thirsty […]


Is professional energy chain installation worth it?

dklein | 13. July 2023

Today I would like to introduce a topic that is often overlooked or not taken seriously, but can have a significant impact on the success of your business: professional energy chain installation. Whether you run a small manufacturing operation or manage a medium-sized facility, investing in the right expertise for your energy chain systems can […]


Latest news

iglidur plain bearings combined with fibre-glass-filled plastic shafts

Steffen Schack | 25. March 2020

Die Diskussion über die weltweit durch Kraftfahrzeuge erzeugte CO2-Emission stellt eine Herausforderung für jeden Entwickler in der Automobilindustrie dar. Neben der Optimierung des Motors, des Antriebstrangs und weiteren Komponenten spielt die Reduzierung von Gewicht eine wichtige Rolle, um den Schadstoffausstoß zu minimieren. Bei Verbrennungsmotoren, wie auch in der Elektromobilität, hat die Wahl der eingesetzten Materialien […]


What a compact cable guidance system on an indoor crane looks like

Jens Göbel | 25. March 2020

What specific advantages does the energy chain have over the classical festooning or cable trolley system in an indoor crane? Increased interior range without obstacles. Unexcelled distances under the entire crane girder. Low chain system installation space necessary on the crane. No cables dangling from the crane girder – greater storage space. Small clearance between the hook and the wall. Longer cable service life. Operating and maintenance costs lower than those of festooning or a cable trolley system. Less susceptibility to errors. No components that require regular lubrication.


What systems does igus offer for the machine tool’s X-axis?

Volker Beissel | 25. March 2020

In large machines, the X-axis is always a particularly great challenge. All supply lines the machine requires run through this e-chain, which can be very long. That is why reliability is especially important here. Because each machine tool is unique, we always try to find the best solution for the application in question.   The […]


Medikamenten-Handling in der Apotheke

What requirements do energy chains encounter in automatic medication handling applications?

Beke Nieszytka | 25. March 2020

Harnessed energy chains in automatic medication picking systems face special requirements.