Plastic ball bearings xiros® - igus Blog


Plastic ball bearings xiros®

Plastic ball transfer units provide the necessary order in the van

Patrick Czaja | 21. October 2021

The cargo area of a van or a commercial vehicle in general offers a lot of space. Craftsmen in particular need enormous storage space for the equipment, which is essential for the trips undertaken for the jobs. Therefore, organisation and efficient use of storage space is essential. In Japanese, the so-called 5S method is already […]


Special solution for money counting machines: ball bearings made of plastic from igus®

Patrick Czaja | 17. September 2021

Whether mobile or stationary in the bank branch on site: money counting machines make the handling of cash much more comfortable and secure and are an indispensable aid. For personal and business use, they are useful when handling large amounts of cash on a daily basis, such as in retail, hospitality, or banking. How do […]


Effortless cocking of harpoons due to xiros® polymer ball bearings

Patrick Czaja | 16. April 2021

Harpoons are spears or javelins that are barbed to hunt fish or whales. The barbs are there to prevent the spear from slipping out of the hooked fish. Researchers found harpoon-shaped stone-age objects created by the most intricate carvings, which caused astonishment. Over the years, harpoons have evolved into large launching devices used specifically for […]


You don’t play with water! Or do you?

Patrick Czaja | 25. March 2021

Warm summer evenings, starry skies and marvelling at a choreography with colourful water fountains and walls supported by music – a great feeling. However, there is quite a bit of technology behind this breathtaking light and water show. If there is a technical error or even a defect in the components, the choreography can quickly […]