Plain bearings - igus Blog - Page 4


Plain bearings

How to optimise every component for injection moulding

Lars Butenschön | 29. January 2021

It is a designer’s worst-case scenario: days and weeks go by to design and manufacture an injection mould. When production finally begins and the first component falls out of the mould, one gets a nasty surprise. The surface of the moulding has dents that not only look unsightly but also impair the function. Why is […]


Of squeaking plain bearings: iglidur plain bearing podcast – episode 03

Lars Butenschön | 23. November 2020

It is not only nerves that are threatened by squeaking plain bearings. Squeaky bearings and bearings that make other noises can be a real noise pollution issue. For this reason, I will take a closer look at the topic of squeaking today. How it is generated and what can be done about it. This podcast […]


What is iglidur? And what kinds of plain bearings are there? – iglidur plain bearing podcast – episode 02

Lars Butenschön | 29. October 2020

Plain bearings are available in many models and differ significantly in technological details. Although rather unknown compared to ball bearings, plain bearing technology is much older and dates back to the year 3000 BC. But what types of plain bearings are there today? Where are they used? And what distinguishes iglidur plain bearings from others? […]


Plain bearings and humidity, you should pay attention to this

Lars Butenschön | 1. October 2020

Plain bearings are often exposed to moisture. The effects of moisture are often underestimated. The result: bearing damage, the cause of which can often not be adequately traced in retrospect. If you know the mechanisms and effects of increased moisture in plain bearing applications, you can easily identify potential problems and avoid them in advance […]


Bearing replacement for linear axes with toothed belt drive

Thomas Urbach | 30. September 2020

The bearing replacement for linear axes with belt drive is usually very time-consuming and complex. But it is easier, faster and cost-effective. How to find out here in this blog.