Plain Bearings - igus Blog - Page 27


Plain Bearings

What is iglidur? – And what can it do better than POM?

Lars Butenschön | 1. July 2020

Some time ago I came across this blog post on the net, which finally wants to clear up the “mystery” of iglidur®; what is iglidur and why are customers willing to apparently spend a fortune on plain bearings made of this material? First of all: I don’t want to bore you, dear reader, with a […]


Plain bearings in BLDC pumps – a Christmas story

Lars Butenschön | 24. June 2020

Plain bearings are often the unsung heroes of our everyday lives. They are at least small or big helpers that we take for granted in our day-to-day routines. This is true of plain bearings in BLDC pumps. What that is, and what that worn-out phrase about unsung heroes really means, is something I discovered one […]


The right plain bearings for air diffusers & sleepless nights in Shanghai

Lars Butenschön | 19. June 2020

Dry topics are best conveyed with less dry stories. Recently, a colleague from international sales told me about his visit to our branch in China. According to his narrative, the first night in the hotel was not only marked by jet lag but also particularly by an annoying squeaking. Quiet, but just loud enough to […]


Why lubrication-free is a better option for your ball bearing

Patrick Czaja | 15. June 2020

Grease or lubricating oil is essential for installing metal ball bearings. With xiros polymer ball bearings you can enjoy 100% lubrication-free ball bearings made of plastic. No grease No oil No residues on hands or machines! In most applications where ball bearings are used, mainly low loads and low speeds are required. Plastic ball bearings can be used in multi-functional applications, for example, in cases where they come into contact with liquid media, water or chemicals.


Gleitlager mit Formeln

Surface pressure and compressive strength – simply explained

Lars Butenschön | 10. June 2020

One encounters these specifications not only in the plain bearing sector, but also in other fields of mechanical engineering. From the maximum compressive strength to the maximum recommended surface pressure. They are often tested according to standards in technical papers and documentation and advertised as “extremely high” in marketing trades. Sometimes the surface pressure seems […]