Green - igus Blog



The solution to a shrinking circular economy: a simple, reliable recycling platform

igu-blog-adm | 2. November 2023

The global circular economy is shrinking. It is high time to act. One solution would be to recycle technical plastics, but that has so far been quite cumbersome. We will show you how plastic recycling is finally becoming easy.


Revolutionizing the circular economy with the igus® Chainge program – redefining technical plastics recycling

Marco Thull | 5. June 2023

The igus Chainge program is a recycling program (post-consumer recycling or post-industrial recycling) for energy supply systems and energy chains. The program enables customers to recycle their old energy chains in exchange for a voucher. The old energy supply systems and energy chains are sent to igus, where the plastic material is separated and shredded […]


Tips for lower TCO and better environmental balance

Marco Thull | 27. January 2023

Service life, maintenance intensity, recyclability and Industry 4.0 compatibility are important factors that decide on the TCO and environmental balance. But they are by no means the only ones.


Which plain bearing is suitable for the commercial vehicle industry?

igu-blog-adm | 12. September 2022

The development of electric vehicles (BEV, PHEV, HEV) and vehicles with fuel cells (FCEV) is in vogue thanks to their low-emission use. Statutory requirements and higher energy costs are the reason why OMEs and suppliers place particular emphasis on the sustainability and lightweight of their designs when developing new products.


Scope – Corporate CO2 footprint

Ina Hartmann | 3. May 2022

The goal of reducing CO2 emissions has become anchored in many corporate strategies. It also urgently needed, since the extreme weather conditions in 2021 alone have shown that climate change has long since ceased to be a theory or a future scenario. We are in the middle of it, and industry will determine how it […]