November, 2021 - igus Blog - Page 2

iSet reduces design effort: one complete energy chain, please!

pwirth | 23. November 2021

Digging through hundreds of components step by step to put together the right energy chain system? No longer necessary thanks to the new iSet assemblies


Smart retro-fitting made easy … with complete sets from smart plastics that can be ordered online

Richard Habering | 12. November 2021

“Condition monitoring”, “predictive maintenance”, “Internet of Things” … It can all make your head spin. A ready-to-install smart plastics complete set including simple step-by-step instructions allows you to get started relatively quickly in networked production. Recently, it has become very easy to configure them in the igus online shop and order them directly online.


Hybrid energy chain YE.1

igu-blog-adm | 12. November 2021

Our YE.1 hybrid chain, an energy chain made of plastic and steel, is available in three sizes (YE.42 – inner height 42mm, YE.56 – inner height 56mm, YEHD.108 – inner height 108mm) and is used especially frequently where long unsupported lengths are required. An example: our E4.42 plastic energy chain achieves a maximum unsupported length […]


Correctly select piston rings

Lars Butenschön | 12. November 2021

As with most machine components, the devil is in the details when it comes to choosing the right piston ring. For one thing, it depends on details such as slot design and fixing groove depth and width. For another, the material plays an important role and affects installation tolerances in its turn. You can find […]


autoglide 5 update

Christian Strauch | 10. November 2021

autoglide 5, the energy chain for long distances that does not require a guide trough. I introduced this special energy chain about 18 months ago. Lots has happened since then. We have refined the chain: 1. New sizes have been added. In addition to the series 2400.07 with the relevant radius, this type was completed […]