readychain - igus Blog - Page 3



How can chain-compatible cables extend service intervals?

Beke Nieszytka | 1. October 2019

At some point, you have certainly had to deal with a loose contact. It may have been at home when you were ironing clothes or using your drill.


Where to put the excess cable lengths?

Beke Nieszytka | 24. September 2019

Probably the best known term amongst electricians is the “fear metre”. There is almost no installer, assembler, switch cabinet builder or apprentice who hasn’t cut a cable too short when connecting and installing it on machines and industrial plant, only to find that a few centimetres are missing when trying to connect it to the consumer.


How can chain-compatible cables extend service intervals?

Markus Hueffel | 20. September 2019

At some point, you have certainly had to deal with a loose contact. Either yourself when your drill had to be serviced privately or perhaps when you were ironing clothes.


Reduce downtime with field assembled connectors

Beke Nieszytka | 17. September 2019

With crimp connection technology you can easily and quickly harness circular power connectors yourself. Here the contact is made by pressing the copper strands with a crimp sleeve or a crimp contact.


What are initiator cables and where are they used?

Beke Nieszytka | 16. September 2019

Initiator cables, also referred to as sensor/actuator cables, connect control units and different sensors, or, in the case of reversal of the measurement principle, actuators.