Machine tools - igus Blog


Machine tools

Six highlights that started as igus NEWS

Volker Beissel | 10. August 2021

In 2021, we will again introduce you to 168 new products. Not all of our new products make a big splash or even make it into our catalogue range. But a few highlights from various industries did. Today I will give you a preview of the machine-tool-relevant NEWS this year in the form of six […]


Intelligent machine tools and linear robots prevent expensive downtime

Lukas Czaja | 1. April 2020

Reliability is top priority in the automotive industry. This is especially true of engine production, which is highly automated. The production system is like a complex gearbox. With countless intermeshed gears. Tool machines are connected via linear robots to create linked production lines. Technologies such as milling, turning, and drilling give the engine block its […]