Energy supply system - igus Blog


Energy supply system

E4.350 – World’s largest polymer energy chain at 140m in operation for over 10 years

dklein | 2. June 2021

Our E4.350 energy chain from the E4.1 series is the world’s largest polymer energy chain and has been in operation in Antwerp for over 10 years on a travel of 140m and a fill weight of more than 100kg without any failures. We will explain how this project was accomplished in today’s blog post. Anyone […]


How igus gets maximum service life from energy chains

jhang | 20. October 2020

Many manufacturers design their products in such a way that they give up the ghost early. Planned obsolescence is the name of this trickery. Why igus is pursuing a different strategy.      Quickly print out the spaghetti recipe for the culinary evening with friends. But then the cry to the heavens: the printer no longer […]


Energieketten für lange Verfahrwege

Mount energy chain systems of up to 100 metres with little effort

Beke Nieszytka | 18. August 2020

Imagine an energy supply system with a length of 80 metres. How can such a chain be transported fully functional, undamaged and – considering the weight involved – easily and safely to the plant and assembled there with little effort?


Energy chains in the work area

mkogelmann | 30. June 2020

Energy chains in the work area What used to be normal (energy chains in the working area) is now largely avoided. However, some applications cannot be implemented otherwise. Hot or sharp-edged swarf can quickly impair the function of an energy supply system. Regardless of whether the swarf damages the cables or swarf clusters minimise the […]


Insert energy chain on the side

mkogelmann | 5. May 2020

The installation space for energy chains is often limited in height. One solution, although not always practical, is then to reduce the bend radius of the energy chain. But this is not always possible. Either the reduction of the bend radius is not sufficient for the chain to fit into the installation space, or it […]