Motor control - igus Blog - Page 5

Tag: Motor control

How does the D3 motor control get power?

Michael Hornung | 8. July 2019

The D3 DC motor control must be connected to the power supply for operation. Tips for easy and secure connection can be found in a short video. Tip For those who want to know and read more about the operation of the D3 DC motor control, see here for the complete manual. Vote Up +0 […]


How do I connect an encoder cable to the D1 motor control?

Michael Hornung | 8. July 2019

In simple steps, a short video shows and explains how to connect an encoder cable to the dryve D1 motor control. Tip For those of you who want to know and read more about the operation of the D1 dryve motor control, see the complete manual here. Vote Up +2 Vote Down -0You already voted!


With which power supply does the D3 motor control work?

Michael Hornung | 8. July 2019

You can see in a short video the types of power supplies with which the D3 DC motor control can be operated. Tip: Operation with a battery or a rechargeable battery is also possible! Vote Up +0 Vote Down -0You already voted!


How do you connect the digital inputs of the D1 motor control?

Michael Hornung | 8. July 2019

Easy to understand in practical steps, demonstrated by the following video. If you want to know more about commissioning the dryve D1 motor control, you can find the complete manual here.   Vote Up +0 Vote Down -0You already voted!


Is it possible to integrate the D1 into a higher-level control system?

Michael Hornung | 1. July 2019

Yes, that’s possible. The available communication interfaces make connecting to a higher-level industrial control system such as a PLC or an industrial PC very easy. But not only that … the D1 works just as well with microcontrollers like an Arduino or single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi. Thus, the D1 is also well prepared […]