Probably the best known term amongst electricians is the “fear metre”. There is almost no installer, assembler, switch cabinet builder or apprentice who hasn’t cut a cable too short when connecting and installing it on machines and industrial plant, only to find that a few centimetres are missing when trying to connect it to the consumer.
With crimp connection technology you can easily and quickly harness circular power connectors yourself. Here the contact is made by pressing the copper strands with a crimp sleeve or a crimp contact.
Initiator cables, also referred to as sensor/actuator cables, connect control units and different sensors, or, in the case of reversal of the measurement principle, actuators.
There are different solutions for making sure an assembly can be handled in a modular way or is reliable in use.
Productivity describes the relation of the use of production factors (= input) and the production result (=output). A simple formula describes it as follows: Productivity = output / input