November, 2022 - igus Blog - Page 2

Why blockchain is the next step for IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)…!

Richard Habering | 17. November 2022

When it comes to blockchain, most people think of cryptocurrencies or NFTs, and with good reason. The crypto universe is bigger than ever and has gained the attention of the masses in recent years. However, blockchain technology can also be used for other, less well-known applications, of which integration with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the most promising. This blog will showcase the benefits of blockchain for the IIoT and present examples of applications that combine both.


Free design data: DIY large-format 3D printer

Aranca Ehret | 15. November 2022

Can you 3D print components as large as one metre yourself? That is still a challenge today. Therefore, the igus® 3D printing team has designed and assembled a large-format 3D printer and offers the design data for download here. You can also read about the biggest challenges in this post.


Reducing costs with plain bearings, Part 2: Comparing performance data

Lars Butenschön | 4. November 2022

The second part of our series of articles on “Cutting costs with plain bearings” will focus on another important part of plain bearing procurement that can significantly contribute to reducing bearing point costs: the right choice of plain bearing. On the one hand, this issue is somewhat related to procurement optimisation. The aim should always […]


The difference between helical gears and straight gears

shagemann | 3. November 2022

Gears come in all shapes and sizes. There are different gear types for different applications. But some gear types have a very similar design and can be used in comparable applications. This blog article deals with the distinction between straight and helical gears and their applications. Straight spur gears Straight spur gears are the most […]