iglidur - igus Blog - Page 15



Build laboratory equipment “clean…save…installation space”

Ulf Hottung | 8. October 2019

Many requirements are clearly defined for the development of a laboratory instrument. Anyone who wants to build or optimise laboratory equipment or offer new laboratory technology is always faced with the same task. The new device must offer at least the following, regardless of the task it is to perform: Reliability Productivity Reproducible and documentable […]


3D printing: low-wear plastic components for the automotive industry

Sebastian Bloechl | 10. September 2019

Design freedom and fast reaction times are commonplace in development departments in the automotive industry. Anyone who can react quickly to new requirements gains competitive advantages.  Additive manufacturing and the automotive industry, which benefits from flexibility and speed, are made for each other. Free design possibilities, short delivery times and cost efficiency are only a […]


How to avoid Fogging in the car?

Dirk Tietz | 15. July 2019

What is fogging? Generally speaking, fogging refers to the outgassing of individual material parts that condense in the surroundings of the component. Usually, the fogging effect is associated with heated living spaces. Here, black-dust settlements occur in flats during the heating period. Typical signs of fogging are planar black coating or black dust that sticks […]