How xiros plastic ball bearings prevent sparking - igus Blog

How xiros plastic ball bearings prevent sparking

Patrick Czaja | 12. August 2021

Freedom from active lubrication, long service life, hygienic design, suitability for intensive cleaning processes, and anti-static component properties are indispensable in packaging technology. GEA Food Solutions GmbH Germany GmbH invested in our construction kit and equipped its machines with linear bearings, plain bearings, ball bearings, and drive elements. I will take a closer look at why our customer was so interested in our plastic xiros ball bearings.

Thermoforming is now a proven method of packaging fresh food such as meat and cheese. The user moulds a strong base film into the desired tray shape. The product is then inserted and sealed with a top film that is usually transparent. For its hygienic film deflection rollers, GEA uses our ball bearings made of xirodur F180 high-performance plastic. The primary advantage here is the ability to dissipate electrostatic charges. Conventional metal ball bearings are out of the question because of possible sparking. Smooth ball bearing operation is another feature. It is brought about by eliminating the costly sealing concepts that conventional metal ball bearings use. Lubrication and maintenance can also be eliminated completely thanks to the combination of high polymer housing and stainless steel balls. FDA approval establishes its suitability for food packaging.

Another product from the xiros product range is our polymer ball transfer unit, which plays a key role in LCD display production. Ball transfer units function as ball tables, transporting sensitive products from A to B while providing electrostatically dissipative components. This is important because, in this area of application, electrostatic charges can quickly damage displays. Find out more in our blog entitled “Ball bearings in semiconductor technology”.

Discover the quality of our ball bearings for yourself. Order our xiros sample box, entirely free of charge and without obligation.

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