An idea becomes reality – the igus:bike made of plastic - igus Blog

An idea becomes reality – the igus:bike made of plastic

Hendrik Winter | 12. October 2024

When igus CEO Frank Blase had the idea for a rust-free and easy-care bicycle made of plastic while on holiday on the beach in Florida, he couldn’t let go of it. In his mind, a bicycle with the beautiful working title igus:bike had been created, but three pieces of the puzzle were still missing to realise the project: the frame, wheels and fork. These were found ten years later – with the Dutch start-up mtrl.

The go-ahead was given for the igus:bike project, it was tinkered with, tried out, discarded, rethought and developed … three years passed before the first prototype of the urban bike was ready. Finally, the igus:bike was presented to the world public at the Hanover exhibition, even the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz marvelled at the plastic bicycle. Development was intensified, new prototypes were assembled, tested and improved. Bicycle components were innovatively rethought in plastic and realised in a way that no one had done before.

Until the time finally came in early 2024 – a small series of the first 100 igus:bike went into production! The prototype status was abandoned and the focus shifted more and more towards series production. The working title igus:bike was therefore dropped and the RCYL brand saw the light of day!

The bicycle is more than just a plastic bike, it’s a way of life! It is the motivation to change something. To break up and rethink existing ideas and constructs. To be innovative, to be different.

RCYL combines sustainable behaviour with modern mobility in the city. With bicycle components made from recycled plastic. For the environment. For a future worth living. For more fun when cycling.

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