more data for download (Catalogue, STEP, drawings)
Martin Raak | 19. May 2017
I want to supply more data for you to be downloaded, especially about our RL-DC “standard arms”. Our standard arms include all joints, motors, connections (=c-shaped metal sheets), cables and chains. Attached our NEW catalogue (now also available in ENG), STEP data for our 8 standard configurations and also the related drawings with part lists. We have “small arms” (up to 1 kg, based on our joints RL-D-30 and RL-D-20) as 4 or 5 DOF and “big arms” (up to 3 kg, based on our joints RL-D-50, -30 and -20).
Version With motorencoder and Ini switch or “output encoders” (-AE). I will explain the difference in a later entry.
NEW Catalogue 2017-04 in engl.: EN_robolink_2017_2
STEP data small robots (4 versions): STEP Daten BC klein
DRAWINGS small robots (4 versions): Zeichnungen BC klein
STEP data big robots (4 versions): STEP Daten BC groß
DRAWINGS big robots (4 versions): Zeichnungen BC goß
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